
Travel Health Clinic

Travelling is fabulous! A change of scenery, new discoveries, unforgettable experiences… and, unfortunately, those we’d rather forget. Before taking off, stop over at Accès pharma chez Walmart – your pharmacist is there to help you plan ahead for the unexpected.


1. Preventive measures based on your destination

Each area of the world represents its own challenges: from heat stroke on a beach and regional illnesses like yellow fever, malaria, sleeping sickness and others, to water safety… Let us take care of analyzing your itinerary – for the best possible recommendations.

2. Immunization: an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure

Did you know that your pharmacist can prescribe and administer certain vaccines? Schedule an appointment ideally 6 to 8 weeks prior to your departure, because certain vaccines require longer periods before they become fully effective.

This step shouldn’t be taken lightly because several countries require certain proofs of vaccination, and your pharmacist has the right to issue such certificates.

3. Preventing traveller’s diarrhea

Speaking of vaccines, did you know that immunization against certain types of traveller’s diarrhea is possible? Traveller’s diarrhea is very often caused by exposure to bacteria, parasites or local viruses that your immune system isn’t equipped to fight against. This illness is generally transmitted by contaminated water or food.

Your pharmacist can also write you a prescription for certain medicines and preventive products, such as:

  • Oral rehydration salts
  • Bismuth subsalicylate, which acts by reducing the secretion of acids in the stomach
  • Loperamide (e.g., Imodium®), which acts by slowing down bowel function
  • Antibiotics that fight pathogenic microorganisms directly
  • Alcohol-based hand disinfectant, to be used before meals, for example
  • Traveller’s diarrhea vaccine

4. Preventing sea sickness, motion sickness or acute mountain sickness

Nausea, vomiting, headaches, feeling warm or generally unwell, paleness, abdominal discomfort, perspiration, dizziness… These woes can really make travel unpleasant. Several relevant products are sold over the counter, but knowing that some of them can cause drowsiness, you’re better off seeking the advice of a professional for the best possible guidance. Also, your pharmacist can prescribe prescription-only medicines to alleviate acute mountain sickness.

5. Prescriptions to prevent malaria

In some countries, the risk of contracting malaria transmitted by mosquitoes should not be taken lightly. Malaria symptoms are similar to those of traveller’s diarrhea, and people who are at risk could develop complications. Let your pharmacist guide you.

In addition to the above, if you are travelling to an at-risk area:

  • Avoid swampy, low-lying areas
  • Use an effective mosquito repellant, ideally one that is DEET-based (not recommended for young children, and avoid products containing more than 10% DEET in children younger than 12)
  • Protect yourself using a mosquito net (particularly useful at night)

6. Travel kit setup

Finding the right medication abroad, especially in rural areas, can be a major headache. You’re best off with a well-prepared kit ahead of time, depending on the type of trip you are taking.

Examples include:

  • Your medication, in its original prescription bottle/package, labels on
  • Alcohol-based disinfectant, for times where you may not have access to soap and water
  • Oral rehydration salts
  • Insect repellant and, ideally, a mosquito net
  • Sunscreen with a skin protection factor (SPF) of at least 30, 50 being ideal
  • Bandages
  • Topical antibiotic ointment
  • Creams in case of a mild sunburn
  • Diarrhea medication
  • Constipation medication
  • Pain and headache medication
  • Nausea medication
  • Allergy medication

Accès pharma travel health clinic

In short, the ideal way to start your trip with peace of mind is to book an appointment with your pharmacist.

Bon voyage!

This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, and pharmacist-owners affiliated with Accès pharma cannot be held responsible for this information. The information was true and accurate at the time of publication, but it is subject to change.

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