Your health



Your pharmacist cares for your mental health as well as your digestive and sexual health. If you have something on your mind, we have the solutions.


Sexual health

Sexual health is crucial to your overall wellbeing, both physically and mentally. Which is why it’s important to feel comfortable talking about it. When it comes to discussing the subject confidentially and seeking expert advice or getting references to appropriate professional resources, your pharmacist is a formidable ally. Take advantage of their attentiveness and wealth of knowledge to get answers to your concerns. It’s really freeing!


Common skin conditions

Irritation, itching, redness, dry skin; most of us will experience a problem with our skin at one time or another. It’s important to be able to correctly identify skin conditions in order to understand their causes and start any necessary treatments to begin healing as quickly as possible. No matter what the problem, your Accès pharma affiliated pharmacist is there for you.


Stress and anxiety

There are no good or bad reasons to feel stressed, anxious or fatigued, or even to have insomnia. Fortunately, by identifying the causes and symptoms, it is often possible to regain balance in your daily life.


Mental Health

Common in the general population, mental health issues are often overlooked. Although they are a part of our daily environment, it is not always easy to identify them – whether in ourselves or in those around us. Find out how to recognize real symptoms and adopt good habits that can help you to prevent mental health problems.


Men’s health

It may seem embarrassing to share your concerns about conditions such as prostatitis or erectile dysfunction with friends or family. However, your pharmacist is ready to listen to, and discuss your concerns to help you better understand your situation and thus prevent rather than cure!


Women’s health

With a hectic lifestyle, you sometimes can forget to take care of your health. It is important to listen to your body to better understand certain physical and emotional signals. Ask the Accès pharma chez Walmart-affiliated professionals for advice.

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