
Contraceptive methods

Women today can choose from a wide array of contraceptive methods. However, to make the best and most informed decision, speaking with your pharmacist is essential.

It’s what they’re there for: to guide you by providing personalized advice. Their expertise can help you put your finger on the best method of contraception for your situation.

Contraception et pilule contraceptive

A reasoned decision thanks to your pharmacist

Besides providing details regarding the various options available to you, pharmacists affiliated with Accès pharma can prescribe birth control once they’ve made sure that there are no contraindications. 

Your pharmacist will also make sure that you’re fully aware of your chosen method’s benefits and disadvantages. This way you can make a reasoned decision.

Types of birth control

Male condoms

Condoms are used as contraception but also as protection against sexually transmitted infections (STIs). Condoms are sold over the counter, which makes them very accessible. Furthermore, male condoms are remarkably easy to use. They offer reliable protection and are intuitive to wear.

Female condoms

They present advantages similar to those of their male counterparts. They effectively prevent unwanted pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections. Besides, they’re easy to use and can be inserted before sexual relations, which makes them a practical and flexible type of contraception. 

Birth control pills

The pill is a hormonal contraceptive method. Taken daily, it prevents ovulation and modifies cervical mucus (a component of vaginal discharge), which decreases the risk of pregnancy. Thanks to an array of formulations with varying hormonal dosages, women are free to find the pill type that suits them best. That way, in case of side effects, different options can be tried out until the best one is found. The pill’s greatest strengths include its ease of use and non-invasive nature. 

Contraceptive patches

Contraceptive patches, also called hormone patches, release hormones that block ovulation and modify the aspect of cervical mucus (a component of vaginal discharge). Their biggest asset? All one has to do is change their contraceptive patch once a week. Additionally, unlike certain medications that can be influenced by intestinal malabsorption disorders, the efficacy of hormonal patches remains unaltered by these issues. What’s more, some women notice that they have less irregular bleeding when they’re on the patch, which contributes to improved quality of life and easier planning.

Contraceptive injections

Contraceptive injections are administered once a month to block ovulation and thicken cervical mucus. This contraceptive method can come in handy if you tend to forget to take your pill each day.

Vaginal ring

A vaginal ring is a small contraceptive ring that women insert in their vagina themselves. It intermittently releases hormones and remains in place for 3 weeks. The many benefits of this method include its ease of use and its need to be changed only every 3 weeks, which often translates to a higher rate of compliance versus other methods of birth control. Some vaginal ring users also note a reduced frequency of irregular or unpredictable bleeding, which contributes to menstrual wellbeing.


Spermicides are a topical form of birth control that deactivates sperm.

To protect yourself from STIs, it’s recommended to use condoms in combination with a hormonal type of birth control.

Your pharmacist can prescribe hormonal contraception free of charge. Options include the birth control pill, contraceptive patch, vaginal ring and contraceptive injections. Initial prescriptions are valid for 6 months and can be renewed for 6 additional months.

Frequently asked questions

You got more questions?

  • Some women may experience adverse reactions including blood loss, headaches and breast tenderness. Others will experience none of these symptoms.

    These side effects shouldn’t persist past the first 3 months of contraceptive pill use. If they persist or affect your quality of life, it is advised that you speak with your pharmacist.

  • Women who take the pill do indeed run a slightly higher risk of developing breast cancer, cervical cancer or liver cancer. 

    However, taking the pill does decrease one’s risk of developing uterine cancer or ovarian cancer. The pill’s protective effect against these two types of cancers can last up to 15 years after a woman stops taking it. 

    If you’re worried about the link between women’s cancers and hormonal methods of birth control, don’t rush to conclusions. Depending on your health background and genetic predispositions, your pharmacist will provide the counsel you need to make the best choice for you.

  • Depending on how long ago you last used birth control and if you don’t wish to be pregnant, your pharmacist may prescribe an emergency contraceptive pill, also known as the morning-after pill. It must be taken as soon as possible following unprotected sex, if you forgot your birth control or your contraceptive method failed for any reason. Ideally, the morning-after pill should be taken within 72 hours following sexual relations.

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